Social Transformation

Greetings from Chris and Jennifer Hart, (Link to video version of this letter)

We are writing to you as one of the 11 churches that have nurtured and grown our faith.  Your Congregation has supported Chris’ ministry and our family in such important ways as we follow God’s call, we continue to feel your presence in everything we do.  Excitingly, you may know that Chris has felt a strong and clear call to start his journey towards a Doctor of Ministry from United Seminary of the Twin Cities in Social Transformation. 

“The purpose of this program is to provide working pastors….. a flexible cohort experience in justice and community transformation. Grounded in liberation theology and social analysis, the program focuses on the development and application of practical tools for lasting, effective social transformation……”

Chris is an Intentional Interim Minister, specializing in conflicted churches. He is passionate about effective Lay and Pastoral Leadership. Chris’ ministry revolves around finding opportunities for churches to thrive in these unique times. Not only will this endeavor call on Chris to learn and grow, it will also have an impact on our family.   Family dynamics will shift and there will be a financial impact.  Chris is still carrying a huge debt from his masters of divinity degree (over ninety thousand dollars) and Jennifer is still making payments on her undergraduate degree. 

We are hoping that you can help us.  We recognize that churches across the country are finding it challenging to finance their ministries and compensate full time pastors is no longer an easy option. When Chris began searching for funds to help pay for this program, many people had the impression that there were scholarships and grants available for such an undertaking;  After extensive research we are sorry to say there are hardly any. We want to avoid adding to Chris’ student debt if at all possible and so we are reaching out on social media and personally to the churches and people that have been a significant part of our faith Journey

Fortunately a Doctor of Ministry  is much less expensive than a Master of Divinity. The total tuition will be just under 24,000, this number does not include books nor opportunities for Chris to travel to the seminary for in person learning. We understand that times are hard for everyone, but we also know that we have a great support system that watches over us with continued prayers throughout the year. We have paid for Chris’ first 3 semesters out of our savings account and with financial aid. If your church is able to help financially at this time or not, we would be equally appreciative of your prayers. The easiest way to send money is with a debit or credit card on the Pastor Chris website www.PastorChris.Faith.  All monies will be deposited into a savings account for the purpose of funding Chris degree. Checks may also be sent to the address listed below. 

With a grateful hearts and fond memories of our time with you

Chris and Jennifer Hart

Dracut MA

March  12, 2022